
Vigil for Bradley Manning

1,000 days in prison – Enough is enough!


23 February 2013

International Day of Action
Events in Canada , Germany , Italy , Slovakia , UK , US. . .

LONDON, 2-4pm – Picket and Speak Out

US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, W1A 2LQ
( Bond Street or Marble Arch tube)

The Bradley Manning Support Network (BMSN) has called for an International Day of Action in support of Bradley Manning, the 24-year-old gay US soldier, charged with blowing the whistle on US war crimes by giving thousands of documents to Wikileaks, including the infamous “Collateral Murder” video.

The Guardian who named Bradley Manning as Person of The Year 2012 reported today 
A military judge has pushed back the trial of Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of being behind the Wikileaks publication of state secrets. See also, Refusing To Kill Is Not A Crime

A Vigil is being held at 5pm on 1st march, outside the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square, London. The full sound track of the infamous ‘Collateral Damage video’ will be played. Go to veterans for peace FFi

Contact Bob at if you would like to join us, we can help with transport costs.